Ant Group



Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Ant Group has made 14 investments. Their most recent investment was on Oct 19, 2022, when Cryptorefills, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Oct 19, 2022 Cryptorefills Seed Bitcoin Yes
Mar 4, 2020 Klarna Corporate Round E-Commerce Yes
Jan 10, 2020 Zomato Corporate Round Food Delivery Yes
Dec 17, 2019 Anyscale Series A Artificial Intelligence
Nov 25, 2019 One97 Series G Finance
May 7, 2019 QEDIT Series A Blockchain
Feb 28, 2019 Danke Apartment Series C Property Management Yes
Jan 10, 2019 Akulaku Series D Banking Yes
Dec 3, 2018 Keking Series C Logistics Yes
Oct 12, 2018 Zomato Series I Food Delivery Yes
Feb 1, 2018 Zomato Series H Food Delivery Yes
Jul 6, 2016 Hyphen Series A E-Learning
Sep 29, 2015 One97 Funding Round Finance
Feb 5, 2015 One97 Funding Round Finance Yes