Electronic Soul Ventures

investment firm


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Electronic Soul Ventures has made 11 investments. Their most recent investment was on Aug 20, 2018, when GaleGames, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Aug 20, 2018 GaleGames Series A Gaming
Oct 24, 2017 SUnTeng Series A Advertising
Oct 11, 2017 YOLO Comblock Angel Content
Jun 6, 2017 mytech Series A B2B
Apr 6, 2017 SEERTV.COM Angel Internet
Apr 29, 2016 GENESIS Angel Gaming
Mar 30, 2015 Hangzhou Shaozi Wangluo Angel Digital Entertainment
Jul 31, 2014 EPLAY Angel Gaming
May 16, 2014 Dianmeng Wangluo Angel Gaming
May 1, 2014 mytech Angel B2B
Jul 5, 2013 Yindutong Angel Art