Sherpalo Ventures



Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Sherpalo Ventures has made 9 investments. Their most recent investment was on Jan 27, 2022, when Skyroot Aerospace, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Jan 27, 2022 Skyroot Aerospace Convertable Note Aerospace Yes
Apr 1, 2014 Flexport Series A Freight Service
Jun 19, 2012 Bluebox Series A Apps
Sep 15, 2011 InMobi Series C Advertising
Jul 13, 2010 InMobi Series B Advertising Yes
Aug 12, 2009 Mint Series C Apps
Mar 5, 2008 Mint Series B Apps
Jan 1, 2008 InMobi Series A Advertising
Oct 16, 2007 Mint Series A Apps