Zhongjin Huicai

investment firm


Number of Investments
Number of Lead Investments
Zhongjin Huicai has made 12 investments. Their most recent investment was on Apr 2, 2020, when Baoxian Chacha, Inc raised
Date Company Name Round Money Raised Industry Lead Investor
Apr 2, 2020 Baoxian Chacha Angel Software Yes
Mar 1, 2019 Ins Health Seed Health Care Yes
Dec 24, 2018 Guxiaojiu Series A Brand Marketing
Apr 18, 2018 Guxiaojiu Angel Brand Marketing Yes
Jun 12, 2017 Yilianyun Seed Cloud Computing
Apr 28, 2016 Asionspace Series A Gaming
Aug 18, 2015 Digiwill Series B Gaming Yes
Jul 29, 2015 cheche365.com Series A Auto Insurance Yes
Jun 25, 2015 DianJia Technology Angel Information Technology
Mar 5, 2015 MOBILE VIDEO Angel Finance
Dec 1, 2014 cheche365.com Angel Auto Insurance
Mar 14, 2006 Titan Film International Angel Film