Boris Shimanovsky



Boris joined the Factual team in 2008 and is responsible for all engineering and technology functions. Prior to joining Factual, he was CTO at Xap, which he helped build from eight employees to a thriving business with millions of users and over a hundred employees.

When Boris was in the seventh grade and dinosaurs still roamed the earth, he took his first programming course and wrote a videogame as his first class project. His junior year in college, he built a site that quickly became the web’s 27th most trafficked and then optimized it enough to run from two machines in his den. He’s not retired now because he really wanted to graduate.

Boris holds a BS in Physiological Science and an MS in Computer Science, both from UCLA. He put himself through school working night shifts as an ambulance driver. Boris lives in Los Angeles with his badass wife and three amazing children. He is a lousy philosopher, a mediocre poet, and will someday become a great chef.


Number of Current Jobs
Boris Shimanovsky has 1 current jobs including SVP Engineering at Foursquare , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Foursquare SVP Engineering Apr 1, 2020 Detail