Curtis Smith



Founder and CEO of Augmint and Atonemint.

After a 15 year career in the startup and financial technology space he attended ministry school. Very quickly he realized there was a disconnect between church and innovation. God has tasked him to create spaces and communities where heaven can invade earth.

He believe that Eden was originally designed to directly connect heaven and earth. Curtis started to research what the Garden of Eden truly was. It wasn’t just a beautiful place; the fact that God inhabited this space is what made it significant. It was the space created to host the presence of God on earth where man could co-create and council directly with heaven. It was a place of established heavenly governance on this planet. It was the place where two realms overlapped one another. It was God’s original design.

He believes that ARCs (Augmint Reformation Centers) can establish a new type of Eden where our pursuit of presence will unlock technology to help humanity navigate into a place of prosperity. Creativity is inspired by God. Let’s create!


Number of Current Jobs
Curtis Smith has 2 current jobs including CEO and Founder at Augmint , CEO at Celo and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Augmint CEO and Founder May 1, 2022 Detail
Celo CEO Apr 1, 2022 Detail