Gene Vayngrib



Gene, Tradle CEO & Co-founder is a software executive whose products run at 90% of Fortune 500 companies. Gene is applying his extensive distributed networks expertise from running his prior global supply chain management company to a new blockchain-based Know Your Customer (KYC) utility. Tradle uses the blockchain to achieve customer-centric KYC portability, and is the only KYC product that was proven to work across all sectors of banking and insurance. Tradle is a winner of many competitions, such as #1 Fintech in Japan, #1 blockchain Fintech in Europe, #1 blockchain Fintech by KPMG, award in Citigroup’s T4i global challenge, was named by McKinsey and Citigroup as KYC innovator, successfully completed UK FCA Regulatory Sandbox and SG MAS accelerator, and developed relationships with the regulators in 21 countries.


Number of Current Jobs
Gene Vayngrib has 1 current jobs including Co-Founder, CEO at Tradle , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Tradle Co-Founder, CEO Detail