After a cycling accident left him paralyzed from the chest down and ended his military career Noel went back to college to study product design. Noel relishes the challenges that product design brings and utilizes it as a problem solving activity to produce great new experiences.
He has received awards for his work in the area of product design, which includes The James Dyson Award. He has designed and brought to market a number of products that have been successful in both online and bricks and mortar stores. These include and www.applydea .com. He has also mentored on the SOS Ventures Haxlr8r program.
Having an understanding of the difficulties at every stage of a hardware product development has given Noel a skill set that is based on real world experience. Noel employs this skill set in helping bring the narrative that makes a compelling product to SOS Ventures hardware startups.
“The practice of design for me must be user focused and make commercial sense from the beginning of the project through to the finish giving the idea the best opportunity to be successful as a user experience and be financially viable. Great user experience + commercial viability = commercial visibility”