SEC 円卓会議: 成功、失敗、そして次のステップ

Oliver von Landsberg-Sadie



Oliver von Landsberg-Sadie has led a highly technical career in finance technology, forming a robust platform for solutions architecture and fintech innovation. He has helped Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Barclays Investment Bank (2004-15) and Lloyds Commercial Bank bring a number of strategic and tactical projects to fruition as a hands-on SME in derivative instruments, regulations and technology.

After nearly 20 years in investment banking Oliver founded BCB Group where his mission is to accelerate global adoption of digital assets as money, as ownership and as a commodity of value.


Number of Current Jobs
Oliver von Landsberg-Sadie has 2 current jobs including Founder and CEO at BitcoinBro , Co-Founder & CEO at BCB Group and .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
BitcoinBro Founder and CEO May 1, 2017 Detail
BCB Group Co-Founder & CEO Detail