Sam Chandler



Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug at a young age, Sam started his first company at 16, while still in high school, and his second at 21, while attending university. After founding Nitro with several friends in 2005, it is now one of the fastest-growing companies in the world. Sam leads a team of Nitronauts across the US, Australia, Europe and Asia, and every month, more than 8 million people in nearly 200 countries use Nitro products.

Sam is on a permanent leave of absence from Melbourne's RMIT University, where he studied business, after moving to America to establish Nitro's global headquarters in San Francisco. On the weekends you'll find him skiing, cycling, running, and riding vintage motorcycles.


Number of Current Jobs
Sam Chandler has 1 current jobs including Founder and CEO at Nitro , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Nitro Founder and CEO Jan 1, 2005 Detail