Founders Capital is An early-stage fintech focused investment firm based in London, UK.
Founders Capital is An early-stage fintech focused investment firm based in London, UK.
Their investment objective has been to identify and capture opportunities in the following emerging key alternative finance and FinTech areas:
Market Place Lending (MPL) – invested in a range of market place lending companies including those focusing consumer finance (Bondora), real- estate (EstateGuru) and SME lending and invoice finance (Investly)
Secondary Market for Private Shares – creating a market place / secondary market where investors / founders can offload private shares (SharesBook)
Balance Sheet Lending (BSL)- capitalising on the changing regulatory landscape in the the EU and backing up new types of ethical alternatives to payday lending (Credio)
MPL Robolender – setting up a buy-side MPL operation that would give investors a single entry-point to market place lending across multiple platforms (PeerCap)
ETF Roboadvisors – disrupting the mainstream wealth management space and offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional wealth managers and independent financial advisors, initially by focusing on the expat market (WealthPat)