Alex Rosemblat



Alex Rosemblat is VP of Marketing at Datadog. Previous to Datadog, Alex served as the Product Marketer for Dell’s Cloud and Virtualization product family (via the acquisition of VKernel), bringing to market virtualization management and cloud monitoring software products. Alex has several years of experience with enterprise software and related technologies through product management, IT consulting, and pre-sales engineering with Symantec (via the acquisition of SwapDrive) and Epic Systems Corporation.

He holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Commerce, specializing in IT, from the University of Virginia and an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.


Number of Current Jobs
Alex Rosemblat has 1 current jobs including VP of Marketing at Datadog , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Datadog VP of Marketing Jan 1, 2013 Detail