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Hellmut Kirchner



Dr. Hellmut Kirchner brings Primus over 35 years of experience in venture capital and private equity, most notably as founder of the venture capital business at Matuschka Group in 1978, co-founder of TVM Techno Venture Management in 1983 and co-founder of VCM Capital Management GmbH, a leading VC and mezzanine fund based in Munich. Dr. Kirchner co-led VCM from 1986 until its merger with CAM in 2009. Dr. Kirchner has particularly broad experience in investing in emerging companies in the biotechnology and life science industries. Dr. Kirchner holds a PhD in law and serves on the advisory and supervisory boards of numerous companies. Dr. Kirchner is fluent in English in addition to his native German.


Number of Current Jobs
Hellmut Kirchner has 1 current jobs including Founder, Managing Partner at 5K Investment , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
5K Investment Founder, Managing Partner Detail