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Josh Huffard



Josh is a manager of Consor Capital LLC.

Prior to founding Consor in 2002, Josh was one of four Principals at Sterling Payot Company, a San Francisco-based venture capital firm from 1994-2001.

Josh began his direct investing career in 1992 at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette’s Merchant Banking Group in NYC. Select past and current investments include: Yahoo! (Yahoo Marketplace), Wired Ventures, LivePerson, ArgyleTV, Rapid Logic, Wit Capital, Master Replicas, JetEye, Cloudmark and Piedmont Community Bank Holdings. Past advisory assignments have included Visa International, Pacific Telesis and Triarc (RC Cola and Arby's). Josh received his BA from Yale University.


Number of Current Jobs
Josh Huffard has 1 current jobs including Founder at Consor Capital , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
Consor Capital Founder Detail