マーケット メーカーの「ブラック ボックス」を明らかにする 10 の質問と 10 の回答: VC がマーケット メイキングに参加するのはなぜですか?プロジェクトオーナーは本当に裏切りに対して脆弱なのでしょうか?

Eli Nesterov



Eli Nesterov is an engineering manager at ByteDance, where he is leading zero trust initiatives. Before joining ByteDance, he spent years in security research and building security products at companies like Facebook, ShapeSecurity, and F5 Networks, working on various security problems in web, mobile, network, cloud, and security. Eli likes to share his knowledge with the community and occasionally speaks on security topics at conferences like BlackHat, OWASP AppSec, PHDays, POC, BSidesSF, and many others.


Number of Current Jobs
Eli Nesterov has 1 current jobs including Engineering Manager at ByteDance , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
ByteDance Engineering Manager Jan 1, 2019 Detail