マーケット メーカーの「ブラック ボックス」を明らかにする 10 の質問と 10 の回答: VC がマーケット メイキングに参加するのはなぜですか?プロジェクトオーナーは本当に裏切りに対して脆弱なのでしょうか?

Nilesh Desai



Nilesh Desai is the co-founder and managing partner of [LyncBiz Corporation](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/lyncbiz-corporation), a sales outsourcing and management company. He is also a senior account manager at Symantec. Prior to that, he worked at Oracle Corporation in several positions.

Desai holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering at University of Pune and an MBA in sales and marketing from the University of Pune.


Number of Current Jobs
Nilesh Desai has 1 current jobs including Senior Account Manager at NortonLifeLock , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
NortonLifeLock Senior Account Manager May 1, 2002 Detail