マーケット メーカーの「ブラック ボックス」を明らかにする 10 の質問と 10 の回答: VC がマーケット メイキングに参加するのはなぜですか?プロジェクトオーナーは本当に裏切りに対して脆弱なのでしょうか?

Randolf Jorberg



Randolf Jorberg is an Entrepreneur from Germany, based in Cape Town, South Africa.

In 1998 he started a german languaged hobby website 'Gulli's World' that developed into the leading gulli.com and one of the Top 3 Forums on the german market. In early 2008 he [sold gulli.com to an foreign investor](http://randolf.jorberg.com/2008/02/26/good-bye-gullicom-i-sold-my-baby/) for a 7-digit Euro amount. He moved over to Cape Town where he started new ventures, while still working on new german projects like [3Gstore.de](http://www.crunchbase.com/organization/3gstore) that quickly reached million Euro turnover. In 2011 he [sold 3Gstore to Teebik Inc. for 135000 Euro](http://randolf.jorberg.com/2011/10/05/3gstore-de-sold/)

Since then he launched the Beerhouse gastropub concept in South Africa with branches in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Pretoria, aiming to grow to 20 branches by 2020 and pioneering equity crowdfunding on the African continent.


Number of Current Jobs
Randolf Jorberg has 1 current jobs including Advisor at RecoMed , .
Organization Name Title At Company Start Date End Date
RecoMed Advisor Jul 1, 2013 Detail